Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A formal introduction...

Yesterday I had a "formal" introduction to Tesco. I have been to Tesco several times, but there are many things that are a mystery to me. So, a friend of mine had offered to take me to Tesco with her and do a "walk through" of the store...getting familiar with things. Tesco, is like Walmart only less stuff in general. So we met at the SUPER Tesco in a town near here. We dropped our kids off at the playland (this is cool...2 free hours of childcare at the grocery store!!! you are jealous aren't you?) and began our tour. It was fun and I got many answers to my questions. I like Tesco, not just for the free childcare (up to age 12!). Did I mention that the carts have 4 wheels that swivel? (not like ours, which have 2 stationary wheels and two swivel wheels) It's a bit dangerous driving one of those!

We had a good weekend too...attending our new Hungarian Church, Kegy and getting to know some new people there. We also went to a Mexican restaurant, near the US Embassy...Mark got yelled at TWO times by a police officer...once for driving where he shouldn't have been (the signs are a bit different :-) and once for taking a picture of the US Embassy...evidently you cannot do that since a police officer came running toward Mark yelling NOOOOOOoooo! (maybe the signs with camera's and a red slash through them should have clued us in) Oh well...we survived!

It's been a good first week in Hungary. I think our jet lag is over, we are getting used to the dogs that bark every morning at 5am and we feel very comfortable driving everywhere we need to go. Hungary has given us a very warm welcome so far!

Continue to pray for our paperwork, it's a process and we know that. Mark was going back today to see how we were doing in the process. Also pray for our container...that it arrives by the end of March so we can really settle in!

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